Monday, 3 September 2012

3- yellow. [30 day challenge/ untrieds]

Hello.. It's yellow day today- the colour of cute smiley faces, but also a colour rarely seen on my nails when I have the choice.
My untried is from the essence colour3: seasons of extremes- it's two bright for the [30 day challenge/ untrieds], accompanied by models own- lemon meringue (base under 3 nails), and ulta3 white (under thumb) and black (under 1).

Final mani- not happy with the pics, in the sun it was sparkly yellow on the white and the models own yellow. On top of the black it became a totally different sparkle.

Wish I had more time, would have done some stamping- I think this daily posting is fun, but I'm having trouble getting excellent pics to show you how good the polish I have is..



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