But let's compare the polishes.
I have mostly colourful polish and not a lot of grey. Let's look through my collection..
2. Ulta3- wild berry
3. NYC in a minute- sidewalkers
Also I have a handful of dull silvers that could be mistaken for a grey?
4. essence- can't cheat on me
5. claire's- silver/ grey crackle
6. ulta3- silver grey
7. BYS- disco ball
8. NYC- snazzle
10. models own- sterling silver
A different shade for every finger, not quite 50 greys though..
My fave is the ulta3 and with stamping image (like the cover of the 3rd book)
☺☺ it looks grey-t
Base polish: ulta3- wild berry
stamping polish: KONAD white
image plate: BM301
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